Sunday, 4 October 2009

Playlist (part one)

Songs. They remind you of time sin your life or just fit in with your current situation. Recently i made a playlist. And the first song is Fix You by Coldplay. Now i'm not a huge coldplay fan but this song is an epic one and it fits into every relationship in someway. At the moment, i'm really not in an ideal situation but this song fits in perfectly to it. As the girl feels bad about the whole thing whilst of course me with my positivity feel fine! haha

All take leaves from my book! There is nothing great than the uplifting feeling when the guitar really come sinto the song. My heart soars. The lyrics may be depressing but my god what an epic song!

My mug.

There is a mug that sits on the shelf in the kitchen cupboard. It has Homer Simpson giving me the thumbs up and a big explosion behind him with "No catastrophes today!" in big bold colourful lettering. For the past three months i've drunk coffee out of that mug everyday. It sets me in high spirits. It seems to pay off. (but it's not excatly the mug alone.)I leave the house pretty positive. Sometimes it goes away most times it stays. People ask me how i am and i say fantastic. I owe it all to that mug. when it breaks which it will (It is inevitable that something that brings me joy won't last.) i will be properly gutted.
I wonder what makes other people get throught their days. I mean i'm a positive person, but alot of crap happens, and it's always little things that save it. You have the worst day of your life and you find a fiver in your wallet and your mood soars. But nothing anybody says will do the same??
We're very weird if you think about it.
I'd like to hear what keeps you guys happy.

Sunday, 23 August 2009


Readers, today i suited up! I looked fantastic,pictures later. i also imparted some stories with friends.....

but today's main story is that i went for my first driving lesson today. It was awesome, he was very pleased with my control of the car. It felt very good. It was a nice car, can't remember what though...i'll get back to you. All in all...good drive.

moving on. I decided to add a karaoke onto the night that me and rebecca will call our adventure..but no. That's her idea of hell..but she'll go and watch other people sing their hearts out and sweat under the pressure of her watchful eyes...scary.
(Guys i'll alert you when the night is and you can come and pressure her to sing....)

I want everyone to know i made a playlist today.
This playist is used to get me psyched!
Songs included in this ultimate playlist are:
I gotta feeling-Black Eyed Peas
Flux-Bloc Party
Wonderful Night-Fatboy Slim
Shot through The Heart

Just a taster

Saturday, 22 August 2009

22/08/09- Rebecca

Today Rebecca became my wing-girl, meaning i have three wing people in total now. But rebecca and i are going to play a game. "Have you met...?"

This will happen at the end of an evening involving drink,cigars and lazer quest....i know what your think sounds awesome. Well it will be, but she only can be my wing-girl once she passes a few iniations..

1) She has to answer her phone within the next 11 months three times, you see she never answers's ridiculous i know
2) she must atend at least one gathering where i also will be.
3) she must reccomend me one film as i have given her way too many for it to be unreturned and it can't be the bloddy notebook.

And that is all she must do, it'll be hard for show her some support

Also i would like to point out that my wingman who is a guy has just got twitter, we now borth have it and are enjoying it alot. Paulthomasreb

My twitter is Adam_Patterson

I'll keep you updated on Rebecca's success